
March 2017 desktop wallpaper
March 2017 desktop wallpaper

march 2017 desktop wallpaper

But I understand that a printed version is not going to fit everyone, so I decided to offer a FREE monthly watercolor screen saver calendar that will be here for you every month from now on.

march 2017 desktop wallpaper

This year I decided to offer a printable desk calendar instead that you can download and print to display on your desk. Some of you reached out to me asking about my FREE screen saver calendars that I have been sharing for the past few years. On most computers you can right-click to set as a background, but these may vary so you can do a quick google search on how to set your desktop background if that doesn’t work for you.This is your FREE March Watercolor DESKTOP WALLPAPER. Tip: I try to keep my design centered on the artboard so there is white space on both sides, but design yours in a way that makes you happy!

  • Use your favorite digital scrapbooking to design your wallpaper.
  • In Photoshop, create a new artboard sized 1920 x 1080 px.
  • To create your own desktop wallpaper, simply follow these steps: To set your desktop, simply right click on the image and select set as background. Right-click the image to save to your desktop. To install the Desktop Wallpaper, simply click the link to pull up the image in a new window. You can download this wallpaper here (or use the link below). Having a pretty new wallpaper each month really helps me keep on top of this task. Everything is filed away in folders and there are very few files sitting on my desktop. I try to keep it free from digital clutter. I’m a little crazy about keeping a neat and clean desktop workspace. It’s what I currently have on my desktop and I absolutely love it!! I created this using Roar, this month’s gorgeous MPM collection. Today I would like to share with you a desktop/computer wallpaper that you can use for March. One of my most favorite thing to do with my digital scrapbook supplies (other than scrapbooking) is to create fun wallpapers for my computer and other tech items, such as my iPhone and iPad.

    March 2017 desktop wallpaper