
Zoom escaper
Zoom escaper

It can replicate the sound of a bad connection – like a modern day, tech upgrade of the old “rustle a sweet wrapper against the receiver” trick – only, instead of fake static sound, this is all broken-up words and incomprehensible speech. The application provides a library of annoying sounds to use as a get-out-of-Zoom-free-card. I suppose this is the real-life version of that. In the Harry Potter series, the Weasley twins set up a joke shop full of magical concoctions, including the Skiving Snackbox: a kit that causes fake ailments – endless puking, nosebleeds, fainting and the like – to get students out of school for the day. “I’ve been thinking about how sabotage might work in a digital context, especially one where the means of production are also personal devices that mediate your social life.” “My hope with Zoom Escaper is that people use it to escape Zoom calls and do less work,” says Sam Lavigne, the app’s creator.

Zoom escaper